Tuesday, July 29, 2008

historical landmark in cebu

Historical Landmarks

Are you bored out of your mind and got nothing else to do? Is your hotel room the only thing you have seen and the most exiting thing that would happen would be room service? Well then, grab your traveling shoes and hit the road! It’s time for you to experience history first hand and enjoy these historical landmarks in Cebu. (Don’t forget your camera. You wouldn’t was to miss to show-off your pictures to all your friends back home!)

Magellan’s Cross. A wooden cross that was planted by Ferdinand Magellan in April 14, 1521. The cross served as the first symbol of Christianity in Cebu. People often drop by the cross to pray and light a candle. (You should too! It’s tradition to say a little prayer once you stop by.)

Fort San Pedro. The oldest and smallest fort in the country. It was built by the Spaniards for their refuge on 1738. It's three bastions are: La Conception, San Ignacio de Loyola and San Miguel still stand on their corners. (Don’t forget to check out the museums, which are rich in historical artifacts. Plus, once inside the Fort, look around for the canons. You may find some.)

Taoist Temple. People climb its 99 steps to light joss sticks. This temple serves as the memory of the famous Chinese Philosopher Lao-tse. This is located at Beverly Hills, Cebu City. (To some climbing the 99 steps would be difficult, but it all pays off once you are on top. Don’t forget to light a joss stick in thanks for successfully climbing up the stairs. You wouldn’t want to gods to be angry at you.)

Basilica Minore Del Santo NiƱo. A museum, filled with lots of beautiful oil paintings, religious images, martyrs, and lovely woodworks. This was built through the inspiration of the miraculous image of Senor Santo Nino. (Bask in the beauty of the religious artifacts. Light a candle at the church amongst hundreds of other candles. This is Christianity at its finest.)

Plaza Independencia. The most important plaza of Cebu City. Formerly called Plaza Libertad. (Now, take five. Pick a tree, sit down, relax and have a snack. You deserve it.)

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